Alderman Ferries


Registered Charity No. 529821

Regulations for the Alderman Ferries Charity


1. The trustees of the Alderman Ferries Charity offer grant awards annually, subject to funds available to suitable applicants in order to assist in the advancement of education.
2. The object of the charity is the advancement of education in one or more of the following ways:
(a) In assisting beneficiaries who are preparing for, entering upon, or engaged in any profession, trade, occupation or service by providing them with outfits or by the payment of fees, travelling or maintenance expenses, or by such other means for their advancement in life or to enable them to earn their own living as the trustees think fit.
(b) In awarding to beneficiaries awards tenable at any secondary school, training college, university or other institution of further (including professional and technical) education approved by the trustees.
(c) In otherwise promoting the education, including social and physical training of beneficiaries.
3. The beneficiary shall observe the regulations of the educational establishment as identified in section 2, and his or her conduct, attendance and progress thereat shall be satisfactory. The Trustees may call for reports on these matters from the educational establishment as identified in section 2 and may, at any time withdraw the grant if they consider that the beneficiary has not satisfied these conditions. The Trustees may also, at their absolute discretion, withdraw the grant for any other reason.
4. A beneficiary is a person:
(a) Who is normally resident in the City of Kingston Upon Hull or who has attended an educational institution (excluding undergraduate or post graduate education) in Kingston Upon Hull for at least two years;
(b) Aged under 25 years;
(c) Normally applications will only be considered from those persons seeking further educational advancement beyond their normal schooling.
5. To be eligible a candidate must:
(a) Be accepted for admission to the educational establishment as identified in section2(b) at which he or she proposes to hold the Exhibition;
(b) Furnish trustees with such testimonials and other information as they may require ;
(c) Attend an interview by the Trustees if required to do so;
(d) Provide proof of their identity and address.
6. The Trustees shall be entitled to withhold awards in any one year if, in their opinion, there are no suitable candidates.
7. An Alderman Ferries Exhibition may be held in addition to an award from elsewhere.
8. The awards shall be granted by Trustees at their absolute discretion and will be in accordance with the scheme sealed by the Charity Commission on 8th May 2008. The scheme was guided by the will of the original founder, Alderman Thomas Ferries, dated 22nd January 1630.

Alderman Ferries
Hull United Charities
Northumberland Court
Northumberland Avenue

N.B. The trustees will only consider application forms that have been fully completed and supported by relevant required information. The Trustees will see only your application form so there is no need for a C.V.

Alderman Ferries

Further education funding for students.

Alderman Cogan's Fund

Provision of facilities for the school.

Alderman Cogan's School Charity

The object of the charity is the provision of items, services and facilities for the school

Almshouse Charity

Home for people who wish to live independently but with the peace of mind that help is at hand if needed. 

Helping the people of Hull since 1836

Hull United Charities

Originally known as the Hull Municipal Charities we have been in operation since the late 19th century. Today Hull United Charities is made up of 4 separate charities and whilst each has a different objective all remain closely linked to the people of Hull.

Our largest charity is the Almshouse Charity, offering sheltered housing for the over 55’s. Our smaller charities are: Alderman Ferries, Alderman Cogan’s School Charity and Alderman Cogan’s Fund.

If you’d like find out more about our charities, apply for funding or housing please select the desired charity from the navigation above or contact us.

Contact Us


We have been in operation since the late 19th century. Today Hull United Charities is made up of 4 separate charities and whilst each has a different objective all remain closely linked to the people of Hull.


Hull United Charities
Northumberland Court
Northumberland Avenue
01482 323965
Get In Touch

Alderman Ferries Charity – reg. charity no. 529821 - Alderman Cogan’s School Fund – reg. charity no. 529802 - Alderman Cogan’s Fund –reg. charity no. 226291-1 - Hull United Charities & Almshouse Charities – reg. charity no. 226291