Alderman Ferries

Hull United Charities

Registered Charity No. 529821

Alderman Ferries

The Alderman Ferries Fund offers grants to students in need of financial assistance to help them further their education.

Originally “Thomas Ferries for Apprenticing” was set up to offer assistance to young people wanting to start a career or further their education. In 2008 the name was changed but the scheme objectives remain the same:

“The object of the charity is the advancement of education in one or more of the following ways:

In assisting beneficiaries who are preparing for, entering upon, or engaged in any profession, trade, occupation or service by providing them with outfits or by the payment of fees, travelling or maintenance expenses, or by such other means for their advancement in life or to enable them to earn their own living as the trustees think fit.

By awarding to beneficiaries grants for assistance with expenses at any secondary school, training college, university or other institution of further (including professional and technical) education approved by the trustees. In otherwise promoting the education, including social and physical training, of beneficiaries.”

Trustees sit every January to agree annual grants for applicants.

If you would like to apply for a grant from the Alderman Ferries Fund please read through the Regulations here then go to the Application Form to download or request a form.

Alderman Ferries

Further education funding for students.

Alderman Cogan's Fund

Provision of facilities for the school.

Alderman Cogan's School Charity

The object of the charity is the provision of items, services and facilities for the school

Almshouse Charity

Home for people who wish to live independently but with the peace of mind that help is at hand if needed. 

Helping the people of Hull since 1836

Hull United Charities

Originally known as the Hull Municipal Charities we have been in operation since the late 19th century. Today Hull United Charities is made up of 4 separate charities and whilst each has a different objective all remain closely linked to the people of Hull.

Our largest charity is the Almshouse Charity, offering sheltered housing for the over 55’s. Our smaller charities are: Alderman Ferries, Alderman Cogan’s School Charity and Alderman Cogan’s Fund.

If you’d like find out more about our charities, apply for funding or housing please select the desired charity from the navigation above or contact us.

Contact Us


We have been in operation since the late 19th century. Today Hull United Charities is made up of 4 separate charities and whilst each has a different objective all remain closely linked to the people of Hull.


Hull United Charities
Northumberland Court
Northumberland Avenue
01482 323965
Get In Touch

Alderman Ferries Charity – reg. charity no. 529821 - Alderman Cogan’s School Fund – reg. charity no. 529802 - Alderman Cogan’s Fund –reg. charity no. 226291-1 - Hull United Charities & Almshouse Charities – reg. charity no. 226291